Zgornje Gorje 6b
4247 Zgornje Gorje
IZHODIŠČE: | Kočna - vstopna informacijska tabla "Potep po Mežakli" [670 m] |
CILJ [m.n.v]: | Planina Obranca [1035 m] |
ČAS HOJE: | 1 h |
ZAHTEVNOST POTI: | Lahka označena pot |
ZANIMIVOSTI OB POTI: | Poljanska baba, spomenik padlim borcem na planini Obranca |
OPOZORILA (!): | V pašni sezoni je večji del planine ograjen z električnim pastirjem! |
DODATNE INFORMACIJE: | Pot je v obe smeri označena z rdeče-belo Knafelčevo markacijo in rdečimi usmerjevalnimi tablami. Pastirska koča na Obranci je zaprta. |
KONTAKT: | TIC Jesenice Cesta Maršala Tita 18, Jesenice, +386 4 586 31 78 info@turizem.jesenice.si http://turizem.jesenice.si |
Občina Gorje Zgornje Gorje 6b, Zgornje Gorje, +386 4 575 18 00, obcina.gorje@gorje.si http://gorje.si |
The Planina Obranca lies in the south-east part of Mežakla at 1,035 m above sea level. 10 to 15 heads of cattle still graze there. In addition to Obranca, there are a few other mountain pastures at Mežakla, which are mostly privately owned by farmers from Gorje area. On the Karst surface of Mežakla there are almost no surface waterways, which is why cattle are fed with rainwater.
During the second world war and the German occupation, Mežakla was home to many partisans and activists, but was also an important transient area for military units and couriers. Soon after the occupation of Jesenice the first groups of Jesenice partisans gathered at Obranca, where they made plans for various acts of sabotage against the occupiers in the valley.
Planinska koča na Obranci. Vir: Foto Vidmar.
Obranca mountain hut. Source: Foto Vidmar.
Objekti nekdanje kmetije na Obranci: hlev (levo) je danes obnovljen, bivalni objekt (desno) je danes planinska koča na Obranci. Vir: fototeka Gornjesavskega muzeja Jesenice.
Buildings at the former farm on Obranca: today the barn (left) has been restored, and the living quarters (right) turned into the Obranca mountain hut. Source: Photographic library of the Upper Sava Valley Museum.
Po podatkih franciscejskega katastra iz leta 1827 je bil takrat večji del Obrance v lasti Marovtove kmetije iz Podhoma, manjša dela pa sta pripadala Šokelčovi kmetiji z Višelnice in izginuli Matičkovi kmetiji iz Spodnjih Gorij. Na planini je bilo pet objektov, na severnem delu je bila celo manjša njiva. Vir: mapire.eu.
According to a Franciscan cadastre from 1827, a large part of Obranca was owned by the Marovt farm from Podhom, and the two smaller parts belonged to the Šokelčova farm from Višelnica and the Matičkova farm from Spodnje Gorje. There were five objects on the Planina Obranca, and there was even a small field in the northern part. Source: mapire.eu
1. avgusta 1941 se je na Obranci zgodil prvi oborožen spopad partizanov z okupatorjem na Gorenjskem. Spomenik, ki stoji na osrednjem delu planine (Marovtov rovt) je posvečen v tem spopadu udeleženim 42 partizanom Jeseniške, kasneje Cankarjeve čete. Jeseniška občina obeleži vsako leto 1. avgusta spominski dan na ta dogodek. Vir: Foto Vidmar.
On 1st August 1941 the first armed conflict in the Gorenjska region between the partisans and the occupiers took place at Obranca. The memorial located in the central part (Marovtov rovt) is dedicated to this fight and the 42 partisans of the Jesenice and later Cankar squads. Every year, the municipality of Jesenice commemorates this event on 1st August. Source: Foto Vidmar.
V spopadu sta padla jeseniška partizana – kovinarja Ferdo Koren (na fotografiji), rojen 6. 11. 1920 na Jesenicah, in Viktor Arzenšek, rojen 17. 10. 1914 v Štorah pri Celju, ki je našel zaposlitev v jeseniški železarni. Vir: fototeka Gornjesavskega muzeja Jesenice.
Partisans from Jesenice - metalworkers Ferdo Koren (pictured), born 6.11.1920 in Jesenice, and Viktor Arzenšek, born 17. 10.1914 in Štore near Celje who found work at the Jesenice ironworks, were killed in combat. Source: Photographic library of the Upper Sava Valley Museum.